Thursday, April 16, 2009


My Precious Family
Jacob and Kendal
The Chandler Clan always finds FUN ACTIVITES and every family function.
Here is the "friendly" game of Wiffel Ball we started after lunch. Almost everyone played and we had a great time!! This pic has L-R my cousin Jeremy(barely seen), his son Eric, my Jacob, McKenzie, Aunt Di taking pictures, Kendal and Brent up to bat. I was also on this team. You know I had to take a time out to take some pics:)) OUR TEAM WON :)))

OK!! Minnie Pearl! I mean, Aunt Diane
She made this Easter hat. I told her I wanted her picture to put on the blog. IT IS BLOG WORTHY!! Don't you agree??? :)))
Jaiden and Jennah hunting eggs @ Aunt Susan's


Nelsie said...

I miss you guys so much!!!!

Becky M. said...

Well, I have spent the last hour looking at everyone's blogs!! I really do miss my Tennessee family - I am thinking me and the kids just might get in the van somoe day and drive down.....Jacob is a hottie, by the way - watch out girls!!!