Jacob's Senior Brunch was at Calhoun's on the River.
It was neat. They announced all the scholarship awards and the total dollar amounts. WOW!! Jacob actually got some surprises this day.
This is Mrs. Collins and Paul.
Jacob has had her for all the Advanced English classes. He loves to give her a hard time.
Paul is one of Jacob's favorites. He is actually the professor that teaches his College English class that he took his SR year.
Paul wrote the sweetest thing in Jacob's yearbook. Jacob, Adam, Ralphie and Paul play golf together every chance they get.
Ralphie(Ryan), Adam and Jacob
We have been friends with the Inklebarger's forever it seems like.
When I would pick Jacob up at 1:00 in Kindergarten, Adam would cry to go with me. So, I'd bring them home and they would play for hours. HOW TIME FLIES!!
Our precious friends: L-R:: Me, Susan, Jacob, Adam, Tim Ink. and my Tim
Our precious friends: L-R:: Me, Susan, Jacob, Adam, Tim Ink. and my Tim
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