Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday's Activities

Tim, Landon , Brent and Kelsie fished in the KIDS Bass Tourn for the 3rd year in a row!
I got there in enough time to get a pretty far away shot of them. It's amazing what you go through just to get a picture!! They caught 1 "KEEPER" to weigh in. Landon won a DVD player and Kelsie won a bicycle!! GOOD JOB!!

Sister's Shopping Trip!!

We went to the Mall and then to Sevierville, to where else but the Scrapbook Superstore. She is laughing at me because of the Sevierville Police officers we "accidently" got aquainted with.!! You will have to ask us about the story, I am not posting it on my blog for fear that "WHAT I TYPE MAY BE USED AGAINST ME"

Last stop of the night: Wal-Mart and they just let anyone in there anymore(Keith) HAHA!!

This is my cousin Steph, her husband Keith and 2 of their brood! McKenzie and Ellie Grace!! We were going in as they were coming out. You know there is always time for a phot opp :)))

1 comment:

Meghann said...

We are so lucky to have sisters!!!