Thursday, November 20, 2008


WHEW!! It's been a couple days! I AM THANKFUL FOR AN ABUNDANT LIFE!!

I have a story for you. Last Saturday Jacob had a scrimmage in Middlesboro,KY. We went to eat and then I was going to CATO to shop, Tim and Landon were going to Radio Shack to look @ new cell phones, and Jacob and Kendal were going to the Mall to watch a movie. We had decided we would grocery shop since KY doesn't have tax on groceries!! Tim for whatever reason had given me $CASH$ for the groceries. Why...we still don't know since I always use my Debit Card. IT WAS POURING RAIN!! So..Tim let me out @ CATO not in a parking spot, just pulled up in front and I jumped out. After 30minutes and a cute sweater and new jeans, I tried to pay and NO WALLET!!! I called Tim and told him I dropped my wallet in the car when he gave me the cash, could he bring it to me. NEXT THING I KNOW my "Blank Faced Husband" came walking in CATO and said it's not in there. We searched all over the parking lot, went back to the restraunt and checked there(he gave me the cash there) and we did a store sweep @ CATO. STILL NO WALLET!! Soooooo, we called and cancelled all credits and debits and I CRIED!! Cash for groceries gone! License gone! Several gift cards gone!! Pictures gone!!
Then, Tim said: "Don't cry Babe! You probably made someones Christmas wish come true, what if they couldn't afford anything for Christmas and then they found your wallet and needed it worse than we did." A PEACE came over me and it was OK, I was still heartsick over someone having my information, but NOT about the money or gift cards. GOD IS SOOO GOOD! We drove home and here's where it gets good! There were 2 messages from a lady named Delores in KY and she found my wallet in CATO parking lot. She said she didn't turn it in because she feared that someone wouldn't be honest. We drove to their house and her and her husband were the sweetest things ever and we talked about our churches and our children! We tried to pay her, but she said "NO, I lost my wallet last year and someone returned it to me, I know how you feel." This Christmas, think about how others feel and if God allows you to, reach out and help them. Remembering the time you might have felt like they do now.
We left their house and I was in awe of God's goodness!! He showed me that He is my PROVIDER! He is my PEACE! He is IN CONTROL! I thought about what Tim said and there will be people that can't buy something special for someone this season. While that's not the true meaning of Christmas, it is still worth reaching out and helping others. "We reap what we sow" Tim preached on Sunday. May we always sow seeds of love and humility LIKE DELORES!! for those who may feel helpless:: LIKE MONICA!! The Bible promises what we give will come back to us. HELP OTHERS THIS YEAR AND SHOW THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS!!

PS: How did Delores get our number????? She found the cards I had printed up for Tim the day of his Ordination Service. THEY READ: Rev. Tim Muncey with John 14:6 on them.
Jesus, saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. And has our hm # on them!!
AND, her son works for a man that goes to our church!! COINCIDENCE?? I don't believe in it, GOD IS IN CONTROL and I think He looks down and smiles :)))

I am thankful that a long time ago, I came to know the man named Jesus. Who came to save his people from their sins. Who promised me if I believe in him, my home awaits in heaven!!


Mindy said...

What a blessing!

Meghann said...

wow that is a story that makes you all warm and fuzzy inside!!

Shawn said...

Hi sweet Monica,
What a tremendously encouraging post. He busies Himself with our every step. Thank you sharing this!

The Mrs. said...

Thanks for sharing such a great story! Hope you all are doing well. I am thankful for you!!